The Best Duelists for Beginners in VALORANT

VALORANT, the renowned first-person shooter (FPS) game by Riot Games, currently boasts a vast selection of 23 agents available to be employed in matches. Within this wide array of characters, finding the most suitable one for beginners can be a challenging task.

In the world of VALORANT, agents are categorized into four distinct roles: initiator, controller, sentinel, and duelist. Each of these roles plays a crucial role in planning and executing attack and defense strategies during the game.

Duelists, in particular, specialize in individual combat, where aiming precision is essential and their abilities primarily serve to facilitate eliminations.

For players who are still familiarizing themselves with the characters’ abilities, opting for a duelist and focusing on securing eliminations for their team can be a sensible choice.

It is important to note that, although duelists often act independently, VALORANT is a highly competitive game played in a 5×5 format, where each role is vital to ensuring success in achieving objectives and consequently winning the round.

Here are some of the best duelists for beginners in VALORANT, taking into consideration community preferences and the level of difficulty of each:


Phoenix is one of the original characters in the game and stands out for his versatile abilities. He can heal himself, blind enemies, block vision, and deal damage, making him a solid choice for beginners. His ultimate grants him the ability to respawn, offering a second chance during the round.


Reyna is one of the most popular choices among duelists at all skill levels. Her unique abilities allow her to regain health upon killing enemies and become temporarily invulnerable. Additionally, she has an ability that blinds enemies, making her a formidable opponent.


Jett, an agent originating from South Korea, is known for her agility and mobility. Her abilities allow her to move quickly across the map, escaping unfavorable encounters. She can also create a smoke cloud to block enemies’ vision, and her ultimate consists of highly precise knives, ideal for quick eliminations.


Iso, the recently introduced Chinese mercenary in VALORANT, possesses abilities that disorient and weaken enemies. His ability to create an indestructible barrier and obtain a temporary protection shield makes him a challenging opponent to face.


Raze is recognized as one of the most powerful characters in the game, thanks to her explosive abilities. She can cause significant damage with her explosive charges and her Boom Bot, which identifies and explodes upon approaching enemies. Her ultimate is a devastating rocket launcher, capable of decimating opponents in a wide area.

Noping for Valorant

Noping offers significant benefits for VALORANT players, improving connection stability and reducing ping. This allows players to experience less lag, increasing their responsiveness and improving their performance in the game. Additionally, Noping can help avoid untimely disconnections, providing a smoother and more competitive gaming experience.

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