CS and VALORANT Champion Announces Return to Competitive Scene

Nick “nitr0” Cannella, one of the few players to win titles in both the VALORANT and Counter-Strike (CS) competitive scenes, is seeking a return to the Valve game. The veteran is currently in contact with several professional CS2 teams in North America, as revealed in an interview with Dust2.us.

Nitr0, who was part of the team that won the second season of the IEM Grand Slam in CS and the First Strike tournament in VALORANT, explained his reasons for returning to CS. “VALORANT was not what I expected it to be, and I didn’t see a future for myself there. CS is my home, and with the lack of IGLs in North America, this is where I belong. I still have a lot to offer to NA CS, and I can’t wait to give CS2 everything I’ve got,” said the player.

In addition to being one of the few to win titles in both games, nitr0 is unique for his multiple transitions between them. With nearly six years of experience and several major trophies won with Team Liquid in CS, nitr0 moved to VALORANT, where he played a crucial role in elevating 100 Thieves as one of the top teams in the competitive scene. Now, he is preparing to return to CS, reinforcing his connection to the game where he built his reputation.


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